A time to live, a time marry, a time to die…..
We started out our trek to Florida with thoughts of a typical time of ministry. Witnessing, preaching, praying and the possibility of impact leading to salvation(s).
From the start everything seemed as if we were feeling the opposition that only the enemy brings! My mother was needing surgery that I have been pushing for the last 3 months, then I was told it could only happen right in the middle of Daytona Bikeweek.
We finally get on the road and have a leak in our fresh water inlet valve for our toilet. As we arrive in Largo, Florida we ask around and find a RV school and they repair our toilet and everything seems right with the world. The owner of the RV school is a cancer survivor and former biker and a connection is made.
Hours are spent with the owner of the RV school and a real connection is made. We leave the RV school and we are off to a week in Lakeland with friends and family…..then our RV cuts off at a light right before night fall in a ruff neighborhood. Enter mobile mechanic #1 witness to him, he replaces fuel filter and we are on our way. Half way to Lakeland breakdown mechanic #2, Buck former biker/motorcycle racer…we talk to him about Jesus for 2 hours we limp the motorhome to his shop. Motorhome stays at his shop all week. We recieve word that a friend Cathy Bailey is in the hospital on her visit to Georgia. As the week progresses our friend Cathy goes from Flu to pneumonia to sepsis and ICU. Things seemed to slowly improve then when they did a EEG….no brain activity. I intially didn’t know how share this with my wife Diana as this was second time in the last 6 months Diana has lost a close friend.
Diana a few days before our trip to Florida spent the day following Cathy following her to her appointments first for a remicaid infusion, then to a nail appointment, and shopping. Diana just wanted to spend time with her friend. We have spent the last three days in Macon, Georgia with our friends the Baileys and McCaffreys celebrating the life of the wife , mother and awesome friend.
The highlight of our trip and purpose at the beginning was to minister at Daytona Bikeweek and we did that. The reality is that it has been said, ” if you want to make God laugh…tell Him your plans.
Daytona Bikeweek is now a blur, it happed and connections were made…. but truly our real connections were made “by accident” when God redirected our path.
Our biggest challenge had nothing to do with a broken-down vehicle but the answer and adjustment to be where we needed to be when we needed to be.
A few days ago I recieved word another good friend Jaime was in ICU and a few days ago died and his funeral is tomorrow in Northern Virginia. I cannot be there in time for the funeral, I question the timing and not being home in time. All I know is that God orders our steps….oh and I forgot to say that surgery my mother could only have while I was gone…they took her to the hospital and she had a coughing spell and they decided to postpone the surgery until this Thursday when I am home……God orders our path…spend time with your loved ones………just sayin!
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